Healthy people are good for business.

A Rezilient benefit is proven to improve the health of your people, and significantly reduce your overall healthcare spend.
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Trusted by hundreds of healthy businesses

A comprehensive healthcare benefit is the #1 way to reduce your overall healthcare costs.

A whopping $1.3 trillion of the total healthcare spend in the US1–nearly 50%–is due to preventable hospitalizations and avoidable spending on healthcare initiatives with no substantial long-term impact.

Not having access to affordable healthcare is costing you money, and costing your people their health.
Even among those with health insurance, in 2022:


of adults went without some form of medical care,


skipped a recommended test or treatment, or


were unable to fill a prescription or took less medication than they were prescribed
—all because of high cost.2
Meet Rezilient. A truly comprehensive, connected healthcare benefit that people will actually use (and love).
Our mission at Rezilient is simple: to build a healthcare system centered around the first line of defense by making access to healthcare convenient, timely, and affordable.
More time with your doctor
Longer appointment times are our standard. Your doctor always has time to listen to you.
Same-day and next-day appointments
Easy to book appointments at any CloudClinic location, or from the comfort of your couch.
24/7 access to your care team
Truly connected, in-person and virtual care. It's as easy as sending a text message.


Net Promoter Score


Average employee activation rate


Average ROI
A Rezilient benefit delivers better health and better care — all at a better cost.
Access to care increases
ER, urgent care, and hospitalizations decrease



Reduction in overall healthcare costs
Client: manufacturing company, St. Louis, MO, Rezilient customer since 2022
In a recent study3, researchers found that if a patient has one or more primary care visits per year, their likelihood of receiving preventative health interventions increased by:
Which means they’re less likely to be hospitalized or need intensive treatment.

We’re not only giving you a way to create a culture of health with your people, but a way to save on downstream healthcare costs at the same time.
“It’s changed our business. Our healthcare costs have been reduced significantly. We're not getting 22% increases in our premiums anymore because our employees are healthy — they're actually going to the doctor."
- Stacie Harrell, Human Resources Director at Cosmos
Rezilient customer since 2022

Give your people access to quality healthcare, when and where they need it


At our CloudClinics, our onsite nurses become the hands of your remote doctor.

Our connected digital devices show you and your doctor real-time data about all aspects of your health.

At-home Telehealth

You can see your doctor using your computer or mobile device anywhere that suits you.

This appointment type is great for general follow-ups, some prescription refills and anything that doesn't need labs, exams, or imaging.

24/7 Messaging

Your doctor and Care Coordinator are available via 24/7 messaging through our member portal.

This is great for simple, non-urgent questions about your appointments, medications, and referrals.

Get in touch

Find out how a Rezilient benefit is good for your people — and your bottom line.
Talk to one of our expert team members today.